Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Huntin' We Will Go...

Like in any family tree, many of my ancestors fade into the background scenery. All the sailors and farmers that are the backbone of any country's food and trade make up a good chunk of my ancestors. I have a healthy respect for their trades but, alas, they are less than noticeable when researching the past. It is fun to occasionally happen upon family that stand out from the average . Perhaps they were more noticeable because of their status or maybe because their pioneering allowed them to stand out in the earlier records of a given town or city. I do have at least a couple of those families, making my search a little more fruitful.

Hunting for my ancestors has been a joy and a struggle. I've never stopped enjoying it even when I get so frustrated with a seemingly dead end. Even finding scandals of the day that may have been discussed by my ancestors is a thrill to me. It makes me feel closer to them. My only problem has been my organization of the whole shebang.

I often find the pieces of paper and notes can get lost or put in the wrong file. Internet sources can get lost in a sea of book marks. It makes it hard to track down something as easily as I'd like. This blog is my way of keeping tabs on the sources of the new discoveries or re-discoveries of old material I thought I'd lost. I hope to keep queries and theories here, too.

In the end I hope to get a broader sense of my family by having it all here, both fact and guesses. I don't want thoughts to get lost anymore.

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